Thursday, January 15, 2009

neko case - new album and single

neko case has a new album coming out on march 3rd called middle cyclone. she also has a new single, people got a lot of nerve, to promote the album that her label, anti-, is offering for a free download on their website. additionally, for every blog that promotes the new single, neko case and anti- will make a cash donation to best friends animal society. download the new track for free here.

to find out how to promote this on your blog to help a good cause, check out this link.

1 comment:

Goat_Boy said...

dude you rule the northern hemishpere

we are the same age, do you play an instrument, what a coincidence, so do i, we should do a colllaboration, recording, we should conspire to do something BIG, heres my email,

later, Jay