Thursday, March 06, 2008

the apple chronicles, volume 5

the gala apple

gala apple

this particular gala apple is a lot like the other apples i have recently tried - mostly red with a bit of yellow scattered around. i saw these at wal-mart last week, and they had a bunch of 'em, and they all looked really good. you know, sometimes when you are looking through fruit at the store, you have to really search for a good-looking one, but i swear, all of these looked good, so i grabbed two of 'em. then julianne rolled by my desk tuesday and snaked one of 'em. so now i have this one, ready to eat. here goes!

hmmm, not bad. actually, kinda good. no tartness to this one at all, though. tastes a bit like the fuji apple that i tried last week, but not overly sweet. it is very crunchy, which gives it some points in my book. the sticker on it reads “ - 4135 - u.s.a. - gala”. i think i will give this one a 3.5 out of 5 on the wickedly awesome apple scale (does that mean the apple is wickedly awesome, or the apple scale is wickedly awesome? heck, how am i supposed to know?).

3 1/2 apple


The Miller Family said...

Everyone knows walmart has crummy produce. I think this test is inconclusive :o)

w_layne_h said...

that's true. i think that is why i was so surprised.