Sunday, March 23, 2008

tagged... things you probably do or do not know about me

abby tagged me again (sorry it has taken me so long to actually do this).

10 years ago: i was graduating from trident technical college, meeting my future wife, eating at taco bell almost everyday for lunch with jennifer and chris, getting ready to start at college of charleston, hanging out with friends from exchange factor, going to concerts, going to dance parties to watch kjell and arthur spin their records. i was a mess, but in a very minor way. it was an exciting time, although i would not have told you so then.

5 things on my to-do list today: hmmm, typing this up is one, watching a bunch of musical performances from david letterman show from the cbs website is two, go to the in-laws to pick up the baby and have easter dinner is three, listen to the new she & him album is four, and probably just spend some time with anna sans baby for an hour or so.

things i would do if i were suddenly made a billionaire: first things first, we would move to a sweet, eco-friendly house somewhere lovely near the mountains, and i would decorate completely in 50's/60's modern furniture, i would move 3 of my closest friends with us, i would pay off my immediate family's debts so that they can enjoy more of a stress-free life, i would donate lots of dough to non-profits that deal with donating musical instruments to schools in impoverished areas, i would eat a peanut butter sandwich with toasted wheat bread, i would put money away for mina's college, i would buy a usb turntable with a lid (!), i would open my own shop with records, books, and cds on one side and clothing furniture and a coffee bar on the other side (for me and anna), and i might even open a drive-in theatre that only plays old horror movies. yeah, i would definitely at least do all of that.

3 of my bad habits: not listening very well, not spending enough time stepping back and actually enjoying life day to day, and i am a sucker for oreos and milk. i truly can't get enough.

5 places i have lived: goose creek (sc), virginia beach (va), north charleston (sc), keyport (wa), and charleston (sc), in that order.

jobs i have had: eff bi-lo anyways!, third shift at a gas station, discovery zone, cactus car wash (i lasted two weeks in that blasted heat and sunshine), exchange factor, planet charleston, manifest discs and tapes (now monster music and movies),, and finally blackbaud. i think i got all of 'em.

things people don't know about me: crap, man, i don't know... i am a collector and i have serious mind struggles when it comes to taking my new horror movie toys out of the packaging. i would love to take them and recreate scenes from some of my favorite horror movies, but instead, i have them all packaged up nicely like the day i bought them, hanging on a peg board in my room. i also love oreo cookies with milk (did i already say that?). my favorite movie of all time ever is the shining. i wish i was born in the late 50's so that i could have enjoyed the 60's and 70's to the fullest (all i have is media that depicts that time - i can never actually know what it was like to be alive back then). i love sherlock holmes movies - any of them will do - i seem to enjoy them all. i guess that is it for now.

i now tag my sister, erin, because she is the only other person i know with a blog that will actually do this (that has not already done it).

Thursday, March 06, 2008


i really need to do the blogtag thing-y that abby sent to me, before she kills me...

the apple chronicles, volume 5

the gala apple

gala apple

this particular gala apple is a lot like the other apples i have recently tried - mostly red with a bit of yellow scattered around. i saw these at wal-mart last week, and they had a bunch of 'em, and they all looked really good. you know, sometimes when you are looking through fruit at the store, you have to really search for a good-looking one, but i swear, all of these looked good, so i grabbed two of 'em. then julianne rolled by my desk tuesday and snaked one of 'em. so now i have this one, ready to eat. here goes!

hmmm, not bad. actually, kinda good. no tartness to this one at all, though. tastes a bit like the fuji apple that i tried last week, but not overly sweet. it is very crunchy, which gives it some points in my book. the sticker on it reads “ - 4135 - u.s.a. - gala”. i think i will give this one a 3.5 out of 5 on the wickedly awesome apple scale (does that mean the apple is wickedly awesome, or the apple scale is wickedly awesome? heck, how am i supposed to know?).

3 1/2 apple

Monday, March 03, 2008

the apple chronicles, volume 4

the braeburn apple

braeburn apple

this is the final apple from my food lion trip last week. i have had braeburn apples before, but it has been a few weeks, so i am looking at it with fresh taste buds (can taste buds see???). the sticker reads “braeburn - lg. - 4103 - washington - produce of the u.s.a”. this one in particular is a mixture of red and greenish-yellow in color. i have already started eating it, and it is just how i remember it tasting…crisp, crunchy, a bit sour, but mostly sweet. it is mildly juicy - i only had to wipe my face and hands once. it is quite good.

i give this a 4.0 out of 5 on the awesome apple scale. i shall be purchasing more of these in the future. up next are some apples i bought over the weekend - the gala and the jonagold…

4 apple